Expert Divorce Lawyer

Family Disputes

Interpersonal miscommunication is the most challenging problem in one’s private life. Things get even more convoluted when a divorce is involved. Legal clarification is needed for the following primary issues. We can resolve the following problems by pre and post marital counselling in chennai.

  • Who will inherit and care for the children?
  • If the couple owns the home jointly, who owns it after divorce?
  • The separation of various types of movable assets, such as consumer durables, jewels, etc.
  • Evaluating the divorce process in terms of time and money.

We are well-versed in the intricacies of family law to guarantee our clients receive adequate assistance. We have the top divorce lawyer in Chennai because of our extensive knowledge of family law, which allows us to take great care of our clients. Our golden rule is compliance, which we always keep. We understand the value of client privacy.

Our Services

Mutual Consent Divorce

The Indian Parliament amended the Hindu Marriage Act 1976 for mutual consent divorce. Relief has been felt. As an alternative to a contentious divorce, we suggest a mutual divorce. Preventing unnecessary harm saves time, energy, money, and resources.

When getting a mutual divorce, the parties often have many questions, such as how to start the process, what the court’s involvement is, what the terms and circumstances of a mutual consent divorce are, how long it will take, where to file, and how to handle maintenance and child custody. Our divorce lawyer can give you all the answers.

Contested Divorce

Expertise and creative thinking are necessary for a contentious divorce. When one or more spouses choose to end their marriage, they can file for a “Contested Divorce” with the local family court. Each party to a divorce action must rely on one of the legal bases for contested divorces.

For various segments of society, there are several statutes addressing contentious divorce. Hindus (including Sikhs, Jain, and Buddhists) have grounds for divorce according to the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. Christian spouses can find grounds for divorce under the Indian Divorce Act of 1869. For civil law spouses whose marriages were registered under the Special Marriage Act of 1954, the reasons for divorce are outlined under that law.

Annulment of Marriage

Various matrimonial laws outline specific grounds for requesting the annulment of a marriage. The grounds for filing a petition for annulment are laid out in Section 12 of the Hindu Marriage Act.

Maintenance Law in India

This is a crucial aspect of any marriage transaction. If one spouse does not have enough money to pay basic living expenses, the other can file a maintenance application. There are two main categories of maintenance:

  • Interim Maintenance

This support is given while the matter is still pending in court. Giving such maintenance is based on the principle that one side shouldn’t lose and be in a worse position while challenging the matter. The amount of maintenance that can be claimed as alimony depends on several elements, the most crucial of which are the spouses’ financial situation before the case was filed and their respective incomes and salaries. The court will strive to put the parties on equal ground in every case.

  • Permanent Maintenance

It is given out after the matter is ultimately resolved. The case’s specifics will determine the monthly or more frequent frequency.

 Child Custody Cases

Child custody disputes are the most challenging and emotional part of divorce. Children—young and old—must suffer without choice. Each parent has strong feelings for their children and wants to maintain custody. The Guardian and Wards court makes such a determination in India’s system. Whoever the court decides should have primary custody of the children, and they must have their best interests in mind while making their decision.

Domestic Violence

India’s domestic violence laws are governed under the 2005 Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Domestically abused women receive many protections.

Financial relief, housing rights, compensation for domestic violence, protective orders, and child custody are all examples of such rights.

To ensure that claims made by women who have been victims of domestic abuse are promptly addressed, the Domestic Abuse Act was put into effect. The Magistrate’s Court hears domestic abuse cases and can issue ex parte orders. The goal of domestic abuse legislation is to help victims achieve economic justice and autonomy.

Judicial Separation

Typically, a divorce is the next step after a judicial separation. For reasons of judicial separation, see Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act. It is similar to the reasons for a divorce.

The grounds, manner, and procedure for a judicial separation are the same as a contentious divorce.

The court will order judicial separation when the party proves their case. It suggests that the parties can live apart.

Judicial separation requires less proof than a contested divorce.

Find Top-Rated Chennai Divorce Lawyer

Divorce often tests a person’s life. It’s easy with us. My goal as renowned divorce lawyer is to examine your family’s requirements and advise you of your legal options so you can make the best decision for your children and family.

The total spectrum of services I offer